After the special Covid years, we notice a clear market recovery in 2022. Our centre of interest and orders are now on the European continent. The prefabricated construction industry ...
After many years of hard work, our representative for England and Ireland, Richard Bratherton, has handed over his agency. Richard has been instrumental to our success in the UK, he ...

We visited both brick cutting machines in an English brick works this month. For a major part of the group members they cut on a daily bases for panels and ...

Ehemalige geradlinige Verheijen Steinsäge in neuem Junior-Design modernisiert
Angeregt durch den polnischen Vertreter Adam Ogrodowczyk haben Jos und sein Team eine Maschine ...

While the Dutch have turned into another economic double dip it seems to go slowly uphill in the rest of Europe. We also receive renewed enquiries for our latest machine ...

now back on his own feet with the new engineering works
He needed a long year to recover from his German adventure and used this time to re-investigate ...